This week was a really good one! I hit four months and sister Cundick hit one :) exciting stuff! Then of course Sylvia got baptized this Saturday! It was awesome and she is so solid and loves this gospel so much. She bore her testimony after her baptism and told her life story and how she came to know this church was true. It was so powerful and the spirit was so strong! She has gone through a lot of unfortunate things to get where she has gotten but with the gospel now in her life she says it was all worth it. She can't wait to raise her baby girl (who is now 4 months old and the cutest thing ever besides baby Kamden) in the gospel. I love Sylvia and I know that we will stay close for the eternities!
A cool miracle happened this week. Remember the Andrew guy that we were working with a while back...well his girlfriend Lanaya called us out of the blue and told us that they wanted to come to church and start learning more. It was awesome :) they have both been meeting with a family friend who is a bishop somewhere in west sac and they have been trying to receive an answer through prayer about Joseph Smith. We had a really good discussion with them about how prayer works and how sometimes we have to wait for our answer and work for it. Our answers don't always just show up. Sometimes after the trial of our faith is when we receive our answer. Ether 12:6 talks about that. Anyways so they came to the Mather Ward along with Kevin and Sheri :) Maria didn't show up again though so that was a bummer.
On Saturday the Anatolia Ward had a big Easter party and there were tons of nonmembers there and it was so freaking awesome!! I love it when members do missionary work. It is so much more effective when the members of our wards work with us to find people. The Tovar family brought some friends who have actually been driving like 45 minutes every Sunday to come to church with them. Her name is Jennifer and her daughter is Katie. Her and her daughter have been taught the lessons before but didn't feel ready to be baptized but now Katie the 10 year old really wants to so we have to work it out with the mission president but she could potentially be baptized into our Ward since that is where she goes. We will see though! Spencer also showed up and finally talked to us. He has been super busy and hasn't been able to meet for a while so I was starting to get really annoyed haha I am super patient as you all know... So I went up to him and we started talking and then I said so do you even want to get baptized or what? He laughed and said yes I do and I promise I'll be at church! And he was and he loved church :) his little brother who is 9 came with him because he is his legal guardian and he had such a fun time in primary. We got a text from him last night and he told us that he feels like this is what he needs in his life :) hooray!!
Well I am out of time but I love you all and hope your week is fantastic and I hope you can all go check out the new Easter video on it's the #hallelujah one. It is really good!
Sister Munk