Wednesday, December 7, 2016

11/28/16 Thanksgiving and Food Poisoning

Happy thanksgiving everyone! I hope your turkey day was better than mine was... It all started on Wednesday when I went on exchanges with the lovely Sister McDonald. She is the best! We had such a fun exchange and taught some pretty bomb lessons :) For dinner I was starving, as usual, and the member that fed us made us a big breakfast meal. I was super excited to stuff my face and get to know the members. By the time I was already on my second plate the sweet member that fed us said "Oh I don't think this sausage is cooked all the way...." Well it wasn't. About an hour after dinner my stomach started hurting so bad! I felt so bad for Sister McDonald because I was down and out for the rest of the night and morning. So that was my thanksgiving... throwing up and sleeping. I'm still not feeling the best but I can at least eat and hold it down! Improvement. So as a zone we were able to do a zone service project on thanksgiving. I was feeling ok so I decided to go and I am really glad I did. We went to a retirement home and just ate lunch and talked with the residents there. It was super sweet to see their faces light up when we asked them questions about their families. It reminded me of the times we would go wheel the cute little old people to sacrament meeting for young women's in bountiful. Good times! 
We also had a special zone training on thanksgiving night where we introduced the missionaries to the new #LIGHTtheWORLD Christmas initiative. Holy cow I love the new video!! I really like it because the past Christmas and Easter videos have been about remembering what the savior did but this year it's actually doing what Christ would do if he were here. I am super excited to hear about the miracles that come from serving others this Christmas season. Sister Hyde and I can't wait to share the video with everyone we meet :) Being a missionary during Christmas is just the greatest! 
Well thanks to the food poisoning I have been in for most of the weekend so there isn't a lot to report on. Stay tuned for next week!! Love you all and I hope you have a great week :) 
Love ya!
Sister Munk
 Last PDAy we made a yummy cake and put a candle in it that my mom sent
to represent 1 year! These two elders are my district and zone leaders and we were
in the same district at the MTC. It was fun celebrating one year with them.
Elder Calvert, Me Elder Pennington
 Exchanges with Sister McDonald
Sister Hyde and I made a cute turkey for the zone activity an we all wrote
some things we were grateful for.

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